Pre-school children and families during the week
Baby Bees!
Friday 1.30pm - 2.45pm (term time)
Cost: £2 per family
Baby Bees is especially for babies from birth to 15 months. We have a different theme each week where our big mat is transformed into a sensory area to explore – you could find yourself under the sea, at the beach, in the jungle or in a musical paradise!
Parents can also relax with a latte or a delicious hot chocolate and enjoy some space to connect with other parents.
Please let us know you’re coming - you can book here: https://rsvp.church/r/JxWmGqhf
If you’d like more info about any of our groups you check out our Facebook page: facebook.com/mutleychildrenandfamilies, or contact Beth Hemes – our Youth, Children and Families’ Pastor – by emailing beth@mutleybaptistchurch.co.uk

Buzzy Bees – Messy Monday!
Monday 9.30am – 11am (term time)
Cost: £1 per person (adult or child)
Messy Monday is a themed messy, crafty session where you can have fun doing all the things that are just a bit too messy to do at home! If your little one loves exploring paint, glitter, sequins, glue sticks and all sorts of stickers then this is the place for you. At each session you’ll have your very own family station (or you can share with your friends if you want!) where you’ll be encouraged through some simple activities and songs.
Once you’ve cleaned up those little hands you can choose from a range of fresh fruits and veggies for their snack, while adults can choose a latte, cappuccino, mocha, hot chocolate… the list goes on! Then you can sit back and relax while your kids enjoy free play and you enjoy the chance to chat.
All ages are welcome, but you’ll get the most out of this session if your little one is aged 9 months to 4 years.
You need to book for this group so we can have a station ready for you - you can book here: https://rsvp.church/r/JxWmGqhf
Booking is posted each Wednesday for the following week’s groups.
This can be a busy session, so we have a waiting list system. If you find the session is full, email ycfadmin@mutleybaptistchurch.co.uk and ask to go on the waiting list. Most of the time we’re able to find you a space for the session, but if we can’t you’ll automatically be given a spot for the following week – so no one should ever have to miss two weeks in a row.
If you’d like more info about any of our groups you check out our Facebook page: facebook.com/mutleychildrenandfamilies, or contact Beth Hemes – our Youth, Children and Families’ Pastor – by emailing beth@mutleybaptistchurch.co.uk
Buzzy Bees – Stay and Play!
Wednesday 9.30am – 11am (term time)
Cost: £1 per person (adult or child)
Stay and Play is a relaxed session with a time of singing and dancing together at the start followed by free play, with plenty of toys to explore indoors and in our enclosed courtyard. At snack time you can choose from a range of fresh fruits and veggies, while adults can choose a latte, cappuccino, mocha, hot chocolate… the list goes on!
Each family or group is given a café style table to make their base as they explore and play, and you’ll always find someone to chat to in our friendly group.
All ages are welcome, but you’ll get the most out of this session if your little one is aged 15 months to 4 years.
You need to book for this group - you can book here: https://rsvp.church/r/JxWmGqhf
Booking is posted each Wednesday for the following week’s groups.
This can be a busy session, so we have a waiting list system. If you find the session is full, email ycfadmin@mutleybaptistchurch.co.uk and ask to go on the waiting list. Most of the time we’re able to find you a space for the session, but if we can’t you’ll automatically be given a spot for the following week – so no one should ever have to miss two weeks in a row.
If you’d like more info about any of our groups you check out our Facebook page: facebook.com/mutleychildrenandfamilies, or contact Beth Hemes – our Youth, Children and Families’ Pastor – by emailing beth@mutleybaptistchurch.co.uk