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Youth, Children

Youth, Children and Families

Families come in so many different shapes and sizes, and whatever yours looks like you’re welcome here! We’ve got something for everyone – from the smallest to the tallest members of your family. We love kids – we love play, we love silliness, we love watching kids grow and we love watching them explore God and faith for themselves. We also know that parents and carers are just as important! So whether you need a coffee and a chat with another adult, an evening off from cooking or some help figuring out how to share your faith with your children, there’s a group here for you and your family and we’d love to meet you soon!​


Children, young people and families are a key part of who we are as a church. Below these brief descriptions are links to pages for each of these groups and activities.


On Sunday mornings we usually all begin in the service together, and then after singing and engaging in an activity together the children and youth leave for their groups. These age-related groups are for all children and young people from 0-18yrs.


During the week in term time we have daytime groups for parents/carers and pre-school children.


​Buzzy Bees - Messy Mondays (on Monday mornings)

Buzzy Bees - Stay and Play (on Wednesday mornings)

Baby Bees (On Friday afternoons)


On Thursday evenings we offer the Lighthouse Cafe for families to eat together after school and before our evening children and youth activities. To help with catering you will need to book for this. This is followed by:


Supernova (School years Foundation-5) is full of games, activities, stories and songs based around a theme each week. They meet straight after Lighthouse Cafe finishes (usually around 5.00pm).


Mutley Youth (School years 6-10) meet at 6.30pm in our well-equipped Youth Lounge for a range of activities, games, discussion and chilling out. This finishes with Connect time at 7.30pm, where we explore together what it means to follow Jesus.


On Friday evenings we have Dungeons and Dragons for years 11 upwards - playing turn-based fantasy games and relaxing together, starting at 7pm. 


If you would like to find out more about any of these activities please email Beth at


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